Okay, so as is my normal excuse I have been very, very busy, then this morning on the radio they said nine days till Christmas and I said to myself, "Oh Crap, I never did a post about Thanksgiving." As you know I do not consider it to late, till the next holiday has past. I guess that means I only have a few days at between Christmas and New Years.
We stayed home this year and had our family and friends come over. I was one of those shoppers out bright and early Thanksgiving Morning shopping at Kmart, but with games buy 1 get 1 free, what else could I do. Anyways, Mark wants Hungry, Hungry Hippos for Christmas. Yes, I must have dropped him on his head when he was a baby. How do I know that - What 15 year old wants Hungry, Hungry Hippos as a Christmas Gift.
Here are some pictures from during the dinner, the table was full, but boy did we eat.
The next morning, I was one of "those crazy" shoppers hitting the stores at 4 am. This is the first year I let Katy go with me. We were up at 3 am and in line by 3:30.
We had a great time and shopped for nine hours. A long, but fun day.
Since then we have been busy with swim, and swim, and did I mention swim. Katy, Steven, and Becca are all swimming so we are at the pool 4 nights a week for 2 hours. In my spare time I am slowly getting ready for Christmas. (It is good that I have about 3 weeks left, I will need every minute, LOL).
Some of you have been asking to see pictures of our kittens who are now 7 months old and still love to get into everything, so here you go:
Tobin is the black kitten, Kiva is the tan kitten, and Cody is our 15 1/2 year old black and white cat. As you can see, we can't leave any food sitting out, because Kiva will find it and want to share. This time is was butter with Cody. Now if I could just train the kids never to leave anything out. Kiva even ate Chili a few weeks ago, what a "joy" that was for the next few days. Bean and Cats DO NOT mix.
Kiva loves boxes.
It took several months, but all the fur balls are friends and will eat together and "play" with each other. Though when Tobin tries to play with Cody, he just looks at him with an expression that says, "You have got to be kidding, and walks away." Kiva is also the Great White Hunter, he found this deer on the tree the crazy humans put in the house just for him to play with!
I hope everyone is having a great time getting ready for Christmas, we are enjoying the season, and all the Christmas movies and music. Have a wonderful holiday. Love to all.