Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Start of School

Okay, if I seem a little loose in the brain cells today, it is because: THE KIDS ARE GONE - HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now don't get me wrong I love my kids and have a great time being with them, but it is also nice when they go away. I have been surfing the net for about 2 hours, no one wants on, no one needs food, no mess is being made, I don't have to think about lunch in an hour or so. So I'm going to enjoy myself today, and if I don't make it to my "Honeydew" list today, it will still be there tomorrow.

See all the perks. Katy was so excited to go to school today that we ended up power walking to the elementary school. Karl was able to walk with us before he went on his way for the day. That thrilled the kids.

This year will be a lot less hectic because I am no longer the elementary PTO president, so now I'm not always on the run with that, but have no fear that I might get bored because I am now the President of the Swim Team Parents Association, so I have something to keep me busy while three of the kids swim, YES three. Katy, Steven, and Becca will all be swimming, so that will keep me busy from October - March.

So to all you moms who have just gotten rid of your kids, ops, meant to say who have just "sent them off on a new wonderful adventure", enjoy some quiet time, and those still waiting, enjoy your time it goes by fast. Have to run, it must be close to my nap time, or maybe I'll just sit down and hug the remote control for the TV, or go play a video game, who knows.........

Drew will be a junior this year
Mark is a freshman.
Luke is in a life skills class in the district next to us.
Katy will be in fifth grade, where did the time go?
Steven is starting the third grade.
Becca is in First Grade.
Walking to School Today
"Bye Mom."

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Additions

Okay, I know that I already did a blog today, but I wanted to share the news with everyone while they were looking at our blog, that we have two new additions to the family. No I'm not having a baby or two, but we do have two new kitten additions to the family. The family decided that with Cody so old and Jazz and Tia gone that we wanted to get some new additions to the family. It took a little bit of convincing to get Karl to agree, but he finally did! We went to the SPCA today and our new additions came home with us they are three months old and as cute as can be, enjoy looking at the pictures below, I'll add more once the kittens are adjusted and Cody is use to them (Cody is not to happy at the moment, but he'll get over it.)
You have to look closely at Mark's lap to see the black kitten, he blends so well. The black one Mark would like to name Monte and the Orange one we may name Tobin.....I'll let you know.

Our Beach Vacation

Okay, now anyone who has known me for at least one summer knows that one of my favorite places to go is Ocean Grove, New Jersey. So as normal for vacation this summer the Dymond Clan went to the beach along with my Mom and Gunnar. The weather was nice, the sun was shining and we had a wonderful time. If you are every looking for a peaceful place to go and relax go to Ocean Grove. We also were able to visit with my Aunt Shirley and my cousins. I think that going to the ocean renews my spirit each year. Here are some pictures to share with you.

Katy on the Boardwalk

Walking on the Beach


Dymond Kids, Mom and Gunnar sitting on porch of our B&B

Steven looking out at the boats at sea

Gunnar and Becca on the boardwalk

Katy and Luke


Okay, so one night we went out to dinner at a Perkins Restaurant and it was kids night, so the character Elmo was there for the evening and these are the pictures we took with Elmo, note how thrilled some of the kids are!!!

Drew and Luke

So as you can see, we had a wonderful time, and really enjoyed ourselves. Here we are during our third day. While we were walking around enjoying ourselves and our time together.

This past week the kids in various groups were able to spend time with my Dad and Lynn at Split Rock Resort, about 30 minutes from us, so they have spent most of August on vacation, which I guess is a good thing since they start back to school this week. I started the summer counting down weeks, then I went to days, now I'm counting down hours till I get my house back, and they get to go "play" with their friends at school and meet their new teachers.

Gotta run, the line is forming to get on the computer!!!! (In less then 48 hours, I also get my computer back!)

Monday, August 18, 2008

My Garden and the Busy Summer

Okay, so I have been my normal busy self, but I have been very excited about writing this blog for one simple reason. MY GARDEN GREW ZUCCHINI AND SQUASH THIS YEAR!!!!

Zucchini and Squash on the vine

I know you would think that anyone could grow zucchini, but every time I have tried the zucchini would die and I would be so disappointed.

My first harvest, look at what I grew.

Here is what my garden looks like.

Since everything grew this year, I feel like a real gardener, and am looking forward to expanding next year. This year I was only trying things out, so we have already eaten most of everything and are now waiting for the tomatoes to ripen. Anyone need grape tomaotes let me know. We have two plants that are loaded and starting to turn red.

The kids have kept me very busy as normal July is a busy month with Young Men Activities at church.

Mark went on the Pioneer Trek which is when the youth go and learn how the pioneers lived, they pushed hand carts about 25 miles, didn't shower for three days, and dressed in long pants, long sleeve dress shirts, cowboy hat and bandana. He wouldn't let me take a picture, so you will just have to imagine what he looked like.

Drew went to Scout Camp a week later and had a great time. He even liked to eat the cafeteria food. He had the younger boys as "indentured servants" by giving them candy and such, so he had people helping with building a cardboard and duck tape canoe. Yes, he was in his element.

While all this was going on Katy, Steven, and Becca were still doing swim lessons.
Becca and Steven in the pool.
Becca by the Pool.
Becca under the water without holding her nose for the first time.

So you can see why it takes me so long to write anything, but busy is good and we are having fun. School starts in a few weeks and I am looking forward to that. In the next few days I will write about our vacation to the beach. Till then..... Bye!