Thursday, September 29, 2011

New School Year 2001-2012

Don't know how it happened, but another school year is here.  Time really does seem to speed up as your kids get bigger.  I remember when they were all little, the days would drag by, now they fly at super sonic speed.  Can't believe they all let me take their pictures, but I guess that is how traditions start, they just expect it every year now. 
 Drew starting his second year at Penn State.
 Mark is a senior this year.

 Katy ready for new adventures in 8th grade.
 Steven staring sixth grade, last year in Elementary School.
Becca going into fourth grade, ready to take on the upper elementary.
My last two in elementary school, by the time Becca is done I will have had kids in elementary school for 17 years.  I think I should get a retirement package!!!!

Ocean Grove, New Jersey - August 2011

I am still working at catching up on the Dymond Family Summer.  The summer went by so fast and now September has flown by, but I still want to record everything.  So here we go.....

In August we went to Ocean Grove, NJ for three days.  Ocean Grove is the most peaceful town on the shore.  It is made up of beautiful Victorian Homes and friendly people.  My family has been coming to Ocean Grove since my Grandpa Bennett was a little boy.  It is the place I go to revive my spirit every year.  Sometimes I feel like the turtle that needs to "return home", for me Ocean Grove is that place; and now for my kids it has become that place.

This year we were in Ocean Grove for my Great Aunt Shirley's 85th birthday party, which seems strange to me because Aunt Shirley does not remind me of an 85 year old woman.  So many of the family was gathered in Ocean Grove at the same time this year.  We had all of the Aunt Shirley's Kids (Nancy, Gail, Allison and Laurie), their kids, the Pauls, the Wangbergs, the Dahlbergs (Mom and Gunnar), the Dymonds (plus Amber, but we all consider her part of the family) and the Pollocks (my Dad and Lynn came Thursday and Friday)  So it was a really fun time and I loved getting to catch up with everyone.
 Early Morning Walk
 The beach right after sunrise

 When we say "Boardwalk" we me walk on boards, no "extras" to clutter up the beauty.
 My Mom Kathryn in green and her sister Tricia
 Heather and Andelyne

 Eating at our favorite place....Nagels!!!

 Getting ready for an evening walk.
 Luke had fun on our walk, but wasn't to thrilled about the beach again this year, so he and I made our "annual trip" to Target while the kids played on the beach.

 Two "hairy" men

 A new family photo
 Or maybe this one!!!
 Luke waiting for ice cream.  A few years ago we started a new tradition, stopping by Days Ice Cream shop the morning we leave.  We normally "open the store".  They sell the best ice.
I am always sad when we leave, but I also feel ready for another year and can't wait to go back.  Love ya Ocean Grove!!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Yummy Blueberry Picking

July is blueberry picking season in Pennsylvania and since Karl loves blueberries, we went several times to pick blueberries.  One time when we went Becca wanted to come along.  Blueberries are so yummy straight off the bush.  When I had picked all the blueberries that I could....we ate them, froze a bunch (Karl likes to use them for ice cubes in soda during the winter) and made jam out of the rest.  What a yummy few weeks!!!  The place we go is called Dymonds Farm.  I have tried for years to get a discount since somewhere down the line they are related to our Dymond branch....No Luck....oh well, there is always next season!