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This is my cake this year. I asked Karl for Ice Cream Sandwiches, so he got creative and also picked up Cherry Garcia to make the zero, we lite the candles twice to get the pictures. Luke loved blowing out the candles!!
Okay, so I know I'm strange, yesterday I turned 40, and yes, I just consider it a number on a page. Until this morning.......when I was getting breakfast for myself after the kids were gone. I was putting leftovers from last nights birthday dinner on my plate when I said to myself (If you didn't know already, I talk to myself), "In ten years when I turn 50 I'm going to Ruth Chris Steakhouse for dinner." Then it dawned on me, I'll be 50 in ten years. Now I know it is only a number and some of you are close to or over that number, but it knocked a pause into me today. I thought back to when I was kid and how old 50 was. So then I started thinking back on some of the stupid things I have learned over the years, so here they are:1. Don't play with yellow snow2. And on the same mind frame - Everyone poops3. Little Brothers are still happy they are younger then you and love to tease you about it.4. Movie popcorn needs to smothered in butter or its just not as good.5. ET invented Reese Pieces and a Reese Peanut Butter Sundae at Friendly's is still yummy.6. Watching snow fall takes all the worries of life away.7. I still like to watch movies multiple times (yes, I saw Twilight twice this weekend).8. Your kids always think you are a little crazy.9. Chocolate is good hot, cold, solid, or liquid.10. Dark chocolate is better.11. The dishes do not disappear overnight no matter how much you pray for it to happen.12. Kids will always get clothes dirty and use the towel only once, then ball it up in a corner to let the mold grow before you find it.13. Families are Forever, no matter how much during certain times of the month you want your husband to take the kids, leave you the check book and go away on an extended visit somewhere else.14. Smiles are contagious.15. So are hugs.16. Your teenage son might not want you to kiss him, but a shoulder rub or pat gives them the same message.17. A good book is a good way to pass a day or a weekend or a week.18. They always want dinner.19. You need a vacation from your vacation.And most important........20. 40 is just a number, just like the rest of the numbers, they come and go, its all how you act.I hope you enjoyed my top 20 list. Gotta run, Thanksgiving is this week, plus some snow tomorrow. Gotta go make sure I have milk, bread, and eggs. You know 2 inches of snow means it might be awhile before I can leave the house. (Yeah, right, I need to find that person and get them some snow tires.)Love to all.
Okay, so this month has been as crazy as last month. I keep saying that I need to add pictures from Halloween to my blog, now it is mid November, Thanksgiving is two weeks away. So here you go. I was lucky this year and went away for the weekend leaving after the kids went to school, on Halloween, so I asked Karl to take some pictures. Well, I'm not sure who is tryng to teach who, but I'll keep working on him. So here you go the Dymond Kids Halloween 2008:
Drew went with me to my mother's but here he is a week before all dressed up
Mark was the first one to dress up that, looks ready to fight evil doesn't he!?!
The costume was really Luke's, his Grandpa Pitcavage bought it for him, he wore it for about two weeks straight.
Katy wanted to go as a girl from the 50's, she was really cute. She called herself the "Good Sandy" from the Grease movie.
Steven of course went as Ainken Skywalker, but this one is from the Clone Wars Movie.
Becca went as a pink puppy, some people thought she was a rabbit so she would show them her tail and say, "Rabbits don't have these tails."
And now for the evening picture, yes only one. (Though I will give him credit for sending one to my phone) We need to work on the picture concept with him. So you can see the kids had fun trick or treating with their friends, and Karl survived through the surgarred up kids for the weekend. Since it is not Thanksgiving yet, Happy Halloween to everyone.
Okay, how is that for a heading. Drew and I went to visit my mom for the weekend (Yes, Karl did Halloween, more to follow later about that.) and on the way home they were talking about a contest to win a coffee maker. They were looking for the person who had the most crazy mornings......Yes, that is me, here is my weekday morning:5:30 am - Get Drew up for Bible Study Class5:50 am - Leave house to take Drew to Class5:57 am - Drop Drew off6:05 am - Wake Mark up so he can take a shower6:20 am - Wake Karl up to take a shower6:40 am - Go pick up Drew6:50 am - Drew is done, come home7:00 am - Get Luke up, and into the bathroom, change Luke's diaper (don't forget he is about to be 14), get Katy up, get Steven up7:04 am - Get Luke dress while he yells at you for being up, not taking him to Wal-mart (the best store in the land according to him), etc.7:10 am - Wet Luke's hair down and brush his teeth, when he is done with that he walks around the house telling you how mad he is at you.7:13 am - Drive Drew/Mark to bus stop7:20 am - Bus arrives, go home to meet Luke's Driver7:30 am - Try and get Becca to wake up, tell Steven to turn off video games and come dressed (Don't forget you have to make sure to tell him to change his underwear he is 8 after all, and boys at that age don't believe in changing under ware every day or week if you would let them get away with that.)7:45 am - Finally get Becca awake and moving, remind children that breakfast is something they need to eat, not just a passing thought.8:00 am - Katy, Becca, Steven eat breakfast (Steven is still missing at least on shoe at this point)8:10 am - Find Steven's shoe, have everyone brush teeth (Have to remind them to use toothbrushes), brush hair8:15 am - If everything went well then all we need to do is find coats, but while everyone is sleeping the coat fairy takes the coats from where they belong and puts them in hard to find places.8:20 am - Found coats, book bags on, out the door, into the car, and to school.8:30 am - Mom comes home and sits down to watch the news.So what do you think, do I win the coffee maker!?!????? Don't forget this repeats itself 5 days a week. This is why I love Saturdays - I don't have to do any of that, and I can be lazy or busy my choice. Let me know if you think I would have won.