Okay, I know most people have posted for Easter and gone onto other things. After all it was 93 degrees here on Monday, so summer must be here by now, but alas, no it is only in the 60's today. My only excuse is that we decided to remodel our kitchen before summer was here, so of course we start doing it over Easter. I have been washing dishes in the tub for almost a month, so that has been taking all the paitence that I have. I do not recommend this, if I wasn't a hunchback before I sure as heck am now. When the project is all done, I'll show you what it looks like.
So below is the fun that we had for Easter this year. We went down to my Mother's and spent time with them and my Aunt Tricia's family. Fun was had by all!!!!

Luke waiting to have an Easter Egg Hunt

The traditional Family Picture before the hunt. Every year since I was young this "family line up" picture has been taken, boy to see them all together!!!
Steven waiting VERY patiently.
The on lookers and the helpers
Now after you have your hunt, of course you need to eat your candy
Now when we go to Mom's and Gunnar's we take everyone kids, cats, AND hampster. Here are the furry one, very happy at Grammies.