Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Good Week in the Dymond House

It amazes me that half of the summer break is gone. Where does the time go. I am already deep into planning for things in August and is here and Drew turns 18, but that is for another time. My mind can't wrap around that thought this early on a Saturday Morning.

This has been a great week in the Dymond House. On Tuesday half the family joined the masses going to see Harry Potter. We were able to get right into our theatre, so by the time the movie was over I had sat in the same seat for 6 hours. I began thinking that I should take that chair home, after six hours isn't it part of the family?!?

Then on Wednesday Drew had his Eagle Board of Review. In our council, you go before a council board, which is sort of scary it takes over 1 hour and is very extensive. Here are pictures of Drew as he was leaving for his Eagle Board of Review: Drew did pass his Eagle Board of Review, now we just have to wait for the National Council to approve him for his Eagle Rank and he will officially be an Eagle Scout.

On Friday Steven also passed his test in Karate for his orange belt. He is so excited and proud of himself.

Here is a picture of Luke with his favorite cereal. He is a walking commercial for Wal-Mart so I have him thinking that Wal-Mart is only open one Friday every other week, and that we go and buy cereal there. Since cereal is his favorite food, it seems to work well. By Monday of the week that we go to Wal-Mart, he starts asking us, pulling on our clothes, and generally driving everyone a LITTLE bonkers that he wants to go to Wal-Mart. There must be a commercial in this somewhere!!!!

The rest of the family just had a normal busy week with activities and friends, what more can a Mom ask for.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Okay, I am amazed that the 4th of July has come and gone and that Luke is starting summer school this morning. Where did June go? I guess that I should have noticed that summer was moving along all the signs were there:

1. My flower gardens are all planted and blooming
2. My Veggie gardens are coming along
3. The kids are out of school (though this year they went till June 16th - so I have that as a small excuse.)
4. We are staying up later and sleeping in. (When the kids were all little and getting up so early I use to say to myself -"remember when you were a teenager and slept in - someday your kids will be that age and you can sleep in again. Well, they are there now and can sleep till noon if I let them, but I'm still getting up early so that I can have some quiet "me" time)
5. My frost free freezer is full of frost from the kids opening the freezer standing there looking at what we have in there and yelling,"Mom there is nothing to eat!" (to which some days I reply, "Success, my plan for starving you is working today!" Of course, if you look at pictures of my kids you will see that none of them are starving, they just think that Popsicles and ice cream with chips, pretzels, and soda are a balanced meal.
6. We should have gone on vacation to the beach. (This year we are not going on vacation, between the economy, schedules, of yeah, and the fact that Karl works for the state of Pennsylvania and right now there is no state budget, so no state employee gets paid till the budget issue is "resolved" and even then it will take 3-4 weeks to get the back pay we are not going on an extended trip this year.)
7. Fireworks - so I was sick for the fourth and home "relaxing" in bed for the day (the familiy still enjoyed the day at Karl's parents house and didn't see any fireworks, I still heard them.

So now July is here, Katy left for a week at girls camp yesterday, the kids started swim lessons in the morning yesterday (on top of the regular swim team practice nightly), Luke is in summer school. Swim lessons and summer school go on for 5 to 6 weeks, then we are into August. Drew and Karl go to Scout Camp, and then we are getting ready for school again. Where does the time go? Oh well, I think I'll go take a nap (It is summer after all!!!!)